
Relance et transition(s) : le nouvel âge de l'intégration ?

A process without a defined ultimate objective, European integration has long progressed through successive new developments, which give it a temporary objective: to create a customs union, complete the internal market or even move to the single currency. Since the beginning of the century, integration seems aimless, dependent on crises (economic, migratory, health, military) against which it asserts itself as a bulwark and a support.

However, the Union seems to have found a new ethos: fighting climate change, symbolized by the European Green Deal[1]. The health crisis has provided it with the main tool of this fight: the “plan for the recovery in Europe”[2]. The latter is designed as the main lever of the climate transition, considered to be inseparable from the digital transition. Thus, these twin transitions appear as the new objective of integration and the recovery plan as the method chosen to achieve it.

[1] European Commission, 11 December 2019, The European Green Deal, COM(2019) 640 final.

[2] Conclusions of the European Council of 17 and 21 July 2020.

[3] The Commission has started to draw the first conclusions: European Commission, 29 July 2022, Review report on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, COM(2022)383final.


The 2023 AFEE Congress intends to take stock of the first years of implementation of the recovery plan[3] to measure its impact on the integration process.


The event will be held at the Pasteur campus of the University of Rouen Normandy at the following address:

3 avenue Pasteur

76000 ROUEN




Submissions and important dates 

The call for papers is aimed at all social science researchers.

Proposals for contributions must contain 7500 characters (including spaces). They can either be submitted online (, or sent by email ( before December 9, 2022. Responses to call for papers will be sent back in early 2023.

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